Thursday, May 7, 2009

good enough

i will never be that sound.. that carry over enhancing the space that lulls your heart to sing.
my beat will never click with your feet… will never carry a constant tune... for my syncopation is always on the 1, falling two steps behind the 3.
my notes dance in subtle tones that are only felt in silence. lingered by the scent of your song.
i will never be that voice you think of when you reach out into the darkness, for my hand is steady… a light that will never burn away..
i will never be that shadow that you wish to walk behind, for my silhouette is grooved the in spaces that wait for hurts to heal.
i won't break your heart that way, that unrequited desire that makes you yearn for more.
i am only me. flawed in my unseeming perfection. broken but whole enough to not give you what you think you need.
I can only give you this. this song, this tune, this shade, this heart.
I can only give you love.

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