Friday, March 20, 2009

an interlude

I saw you in my dreams last night. which is quite strange, because it's such a rarity to dream... dream of others, dream of you. I find it disheartening that the notion of me aware... aware of you, will never suffice. that you linger… and weave within the most diminutive places… settle within warm spaces... permeating throughout my narrow consciousness.

it's unsettling that you are inescapable. that you will always be there. that as I write these words... I miss you... miss you more than my heart reasonably should... that I miss the warmth you gave me, that the memory of you still gives me while you’re away. in a cold that continually persists, you fill that space with light. that as I write this, I can read you in my words, in the songs that I hear, in the greatness of all that I see. in the pauses and long silences that break between each blink and every breath. and though there were others more significant in this delusion, I could see you.. remember you... my impression... in the periphery, lingering into view.

a 5 second memory etched in my mind, scarred in my heart. longing to recapture the warm summer past in my current cool spring. That’s what you mean to me.

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